Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Republicans for Obama?

So, not only does Obama's "I'm a smart, cool, intelligent and idealistic bridge builder" message appeal to liberals and moderates, but apparently it also appeals to a constituency that's been historically hard for Democrats to capture: hard-line right wing Republicans.

When Bush's 2004 chief campaign strategist Mathew Dowd starts sending out media love to Obama, you know that something weird is going on.

I thought this article was interesting for two reasons. One, I am an Obama supporter. Two, I know a couple of Republicans who have expressed interest in supporting Obama. There are a lot of Republicans out there who are, quite understandably, embarrassed by their party's incompetency right now. They're tired of having to defend a horrible domestic fiscal policy, a travesty in Iraq, and charges of corruption and cronyism that now, with the help of Democratic congressional oversight, are coming faster than they can duck and parry.

If you can't beat 'em join 'em. I think it's pretty clear that the Dems are going to win in 2008, so with so many disillusioned voters out there everyone is going to be looking for a new winning horse to tie their chariot to.
Obama/Vilsack ticket takes 55% of the popular vote in '08.

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