Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bill O'Reilly Resembles Physically Overdeveloped 9 Year Old

Here's a little story that I hope doesn't get lost in the media blitz surrounding the caucus/primary results. The story is about Bill O'Reilly shoving an uncooperative Obama staffer at an event in New Hampshire. John Dickerson is a highly regarded political correspondant for Slate magazine and was personally on the scene to cover the story, and coudln't stop himself from telling him to "grow-up." Though O'Reilly is a physically imposing presence and often takes a threatening tone on his stupid TV show, I don't know if I've ever seen any stories of him resorting to physical violence. For someone that clamors for law and order on a nightly basis, this seems like odd behavior.
Cornucopia, the Horn of Plenty, while advocating for a more sensible approach to our nation's drug policy and general incarceration rate, takes any violent crime very seriously and supports the notion of strict punishment for violent offenders. Perhaps that's why I find this story so interesting.

Even if, as the article suggests, an Obama staffer was blocking his view, this doesn't give him the right to shove the staffer out of the way, pure and simple. In fact, Obama doesn't even have to speak to him if he is not so inclined. Bill O'Reilly might just have to learn that even nationally famous TV commentators don't always get the shot that they want. And when they don't get that shot, if they resort to pushing people around there may be consequences. The evolving lawyer part of me is hoping to see headlines of a lawsuit in the not-too-distant future. I honestly hope we haven't heard the end of this story.

Note-- The best part of the story is when some in the crowd intoned the word "falafel" during the rally. This was an allusion when Bill O'Reilly confused the word loofa (a device for scrubbing one's body) with "falafel" (a prominent component of middle eastern cuisine) whilst sexually harassing a former co-worker.

The case was settled out of court but my sources (gut-feeling) say that Mr. O'Reilly has never touched falafel since.

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