Sunday, February 17, 2008

Paying It Backwards: A Horrible Miscarriage of Charity

So, I'm standing in line at Kum and Go. I have two items in my hands: a gallon of 1% milk and a twix candy bar that I impulsively picked- up after seeing it displayed attractively near the check-out counter. There is a man in front of me, maybe 25 years old, who is holding around four 20 ounces of Pepsi-Cola. As a supporter of Coca-Cola, I instinctively distrust him.

Despite our manifest differences, I politely take my place in line behind him. Just as he is about to move forward to purchase his shitty Pepsi products, a woman approaches, sees the line that has formed, and stops. He looks at her and says with a warm smile "You can go ahead."

Please note that this offer is made with neither my input nor consent.

Now, I'm all for paying it forward. If this man was the only one in line, I would have no problem with his action because he would be the only person adversely affected by his own act of chairty. If I had just completed my purchase and then saw him do it, I might even respect him for it . But the fact that he decided to assist one stranger at the expense of another I find completely unacceptable.

Imagine this, I see Old Lady 1 robbed at gunpoint. I arm myself, find Old Lady 2, rob her and then give the proceeds to Old Lady 1. Have I done something good or admirable or respectable? No, I've acted like a moron and conferred a net benefit of zero on those whom I have interacted with.

Someone needs to tell this guy that being first in line doesn't make you the KING of the line. It does not vest you with any special powers or permit you to decide who goes first, second, or third.

I guess I could have been the one to explain this to him, but unfortunately, I didn't act when I had the opportunity. I could have objected, I could have said somethign like this: "I don't agree with what is happening right now." Or "Sir, I think you're misunderstanding what it means to pay it forward." But I didn't. To be honest, I was just too dumbfounded by his gall, his confidence in the pure selflessness of his actions, that I didn't know how to react. And the worst part about this whole thing? That smug asshole is going to go to sleep tonight thinking about what a great thing he did today by letting that woman go ahead of him.

God I hate Pepsi.

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