Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dart league Week 8: IRISH PRIDE!

What a win. That one was for the mother country. I love you great, great, great, great grandma MacGregory.

It came down to the last match, where Will hit a double-bull for the victory. If he wouldn't have hit it, Charliez boyz would have had six straight darts to hit a single 15 mark and win the game. Even taking into account the massive amount of green beer that our adversaries had consumed that Monday night, a single 15 would have been a sure thing.

As is customary after each club car win, an embarrassing amount of jumping and hugging and yelling ensued.

I've been to quite a few dart matches now, and I'm pretty sure we're the only team that does that.

As for my stat-sheet:

I started off slow, losing my two individuals, but then grabbed the next three win darts in doubles play and ended 3-3 for the evening. I dedicated two of my victories to Michael Collins and the last one to Alec Guinness, whom I mistakenly thought was Irish.

Long live Eire.

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