Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yepsen Calls Jefferson Jackson Dinner for Obama

Due to some terribly important commitments this weekend involving movies and sleep, I refrained from heading to Des Moines to attend the Jefferson Jacksons dinner. From what I hear, Obama's people won the "noise war," and Obama made a hell of a speech. David Yepsen recaps the event in this article.

There was also a great article on Slate that asked the legitimate question: "Why isn't Obama killing Hillary in Iowa?" John Dickerson basically talks a little bit about how much the Obama Show brings to the table:

"I knew what to expect Tuesday night at his event at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, and yet after it was over I was still impressed. He was funny and passionate, and he connected with his big audience. When he left the stage, the room was on its feet and chanting with him. Nothing like that happened during the two days I followed Hillary Clinton. Her performances were solid and her audiences were enthusiastic, but they didn't interrupt her with applause the way they did with Obama."

This was EXACTLY the kind of candidate that we should have put up on the national stage in 2004, and it's exactly the kind of candidate that we should look for this year. In 2000/2004 the Democratic candidate lost essentially because the American people would rather have a beer with George Bush. The Dems might have had substance and sanity, but the Republicans had a creepy kind of likeability. This year I think Barack Obama tips the scales in a different direction.

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