Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Loebsack Breaks for Obama

It looks like the Iowa delegation in Washington is hedging its bets. Here's the story in the Register about Loebsack's Obama endorsement. Go Eastern Iowa.

Here's how the endorsements break down. In retrospect, it couldn't have happened any other way:

1. Centrist/conservative, experienced, uninspiring Leonard Boswell endorses centrist/conservative, "experienced," uninspiring Hillary Clinton

2. Fresh, inspiring, ballsy, trial lawyer from rural America Bruce Braley endorses fresh, inspiring, ballsy trial lawyer John Edwards from rural North Carolina.

3. Polite, soft-spoken, rookie U.S. Representative and former college professor from the midwest Dave Loebsack endorses polite, soft-spoken rookie U.S. Senator and former college professor from the midwest Barack Obama.

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