Thursday, May 1, 2008

Go Hawks: Our Health Care System is Probably Less Bad Than Yours

I was pleased to read a couple of days ago in the Daily Iowan that Iowa ranks third in the nation for the percentage of its population with health insurance. All told, we manage to get around 91% of our population insured. Though I'm of the opinion that the system is flawed, and this ad hoc, for-profit system is just an ill-fitting band-aid until we get real comprehensive health care reform, it's nice to know that we have one of the best quality ill-fitting band-aids around.

Who's number one? A different study conducted last year by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation focused on health care, came out with this ranking:

1. Hawaii

2. Iowa

3. New Hampshire

4. Vermont

5. Maine

The bottom five were Nevada, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.

For more on the study, including what kind of indicators that were used (access, quality, cost, etc) check out this CBS news article.

Go Hawks.

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